Thursday, August 23, 2012

new blog

i've switched my blog over to wordpress!  please come visit me there!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

the cream new york :: WIP and install

the event was a huge success!  it was such an amazing night and i couldn't be happier with the way my installations and decor turned out.

photos of the event will be posted soon; in the meantime here are some shots of work in progress and of the install...

the beginning of project: making prototypes (with hermes sculptures)
sign by megan piontkowski
painting giant chevron stripes on canvas
prototype for banner: spray paint on glassine
geometric pendants ready to be hung
at the venue: unpacking and preparing to install
a new york hipster installs the braided fabric garlands
installing the silver paper wall

Friday, August 10, 2012

random inspiration

wrapping up projects, starting new ones...  a good time to catch up on pinterest!

(image sources here)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

the cream new york :: sneak peeks

i'm super excited about how well everything is coming along for the event and i can't wait to see it all installed!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

the cream new york inspiration board

here's the inspiration board that i designed for the event...  excited to see what everyone comes up with!